Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blessed are the poor in spirit...

A Placed Called Blessing by Trent is one of those books that you hear people say, "I could not put it down, I was hooked after the first page." And it is absolutely true! I am not a huge reader so even being involved in a blogging for books type of club is almost unheard of for me. It is a book like A Place Called Blessing that makes reading the ho-hum type books worth every word. I had read an article by Trent a couple of months ago also entitled The Blessing. It's message in line with this book by Trent encourages parents to adopt a blessing over each of their children in order for them to hear the words of blessing from the Word. I assumed that this book would be the same but I was so wrong. The Blessing is a book that paints the picture of why it is so important for parents to love their children enough to take time out to speak blessings over their lives. I believe this is one of the best books I have ever read!